Contains :
- MCHC Calcium and Phosphorus
- Chelated Minerals
- Vitamins
- Herbs
- Proteoly
Indication :
- Pre and post partum prolapse of uterus and Vagina
- Partial Prolapse & Habitual Prolapse
- Threatened abortion
- Strengthening muscles of uterus, cervix & vagina to reduces chances of prolapse reoccurrences
Benefits :
- Reduces inflammation
- Dissolves blood clot
- Dissolves tissue clot
- Correct Hormonal Imbalance
- Correct Progesteron level
- Strengthening muscles of uterus
- Healing soft tissue injury
Doses :
- Cow and buffalo : 30-50 gm twice daily
- Small animals : 10-20 gm twice daily
Presentation :
- 450 gm