Digsan Pharmaceuticals

Developing and commercializing high-quality animal and human health products, including medicines, supplements, nutrition solutions, and active ingredients.

Contract Manufacturer

we provide the best services

We are DigSan Pharmaceuticals based at Anand. We are manufacturers of animal health and nutrition products. Get psychological counseling regularly and pay attention to mental health.

products in powder forms:

Mineral mixture based on propionate/ glycine/ methionine chelated

Digestive enzymes and pre probiotic based products

Herbal galactogogue powder and granules

Specific products for fertility and repeat breeder

Toxin binder

Vitamin premixes

Products for relieving heat stress

Products for improving fat in milk

Amino acid based products for improving milk

Products for mastitis

Products for transition period

Rumen Buffer with Live Yeast Culture Powder

Products in liquid forms:

Liquid calcium

Calcium gel form for instant calcium

Liver tonic

Uterine cleanser

Product for ketosis,

Vitamin H and multivitamin syrup

Chelated mineral liquid for fertility

Products in Bolus form:

Fertility inducer

Herbal galactagogue bolus

Digestive Enhancer

Uterine cleanser bolus

Multivitamin mineral bolus

Herbal Bolus

We have a wide range of products. Explore our products.

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